A bit about us

Hi, we're Heather and Roger, co-founders of PaperPlanner.

Heather is a teacher and senior leader at a secondary school. With over 12 years of teaching experience, she got into teaching through TeachFirst. Today she teaches English and is a head of sixth form.

Roger is Heather's housemate. He has worked at various tech startups for over a decade, especially in healthcare.

We work hard to make PaperPlanner super easy for you and your team of teachers. We hope it helps to reduce workloads, improve productivity and contribute to a happier teacher community.

PaperPlanner is currently incubated by GS Dun, a small new ventures accelerator started by Roger.

The PaperPlanner story

Blank planner books are frustrating. Fill in the date and timetable. Repeat. Over and over again. There are better ways to spend the Sunday before the term starts (for example, actual lesson planning?).

Why can't we automate this? A simple conversation between Heather and Roger led to a simple answer: we can. Teachers can continue to have the physical paper that they jot down notes on. But with instant customisation.

Our goal: give back time to teachers. Teachers are stretched and blank planners suck up too much time. PaperPlanner gives schools a simple tool for improving teacher wellbeing and productivity.